How to enroll students in classes

AE-CONNECT allows you to enroll students in classes from within the Scheduling area. Using the Bulk Enroll feature, helpful filters are provided to target student grade levels and appropriate classes. Whether you are enrolling students the first time or modifying enrollment for current classes, the scheduling area provides an easy way to modify enrollments.

To enroll students in classes:

  1. Access scheduling by clicking Scheduling in the navigation bar

  1. Click the Class Schedules tab

  1. From the list of schedules you have created, click the schedule you wish to modify.

  1. Using the action menu, select Bulk Enroll

  1. From within the Bulk Enroll Students fly in, select the student or students you wish to enroll in a class in the left column by clicking the box to the left of their name. 

✨TIP: Use the grade filter to above the student list to target specific grade levels. Click the select box at the top left of the list to select each student in a filtered list.

  1. In the right column, choose the class or classes you wish to enroll the students in by clicking the check box to the left of the class name.

✨TIP: Use the grade level filter to filter the class list to appropriate classes.

  1. Once your selections are made, click the Save button.

Repeat this process for each grade level.

To view students enrolled in a class:

  1. While viewing the class list in a schedule, click on the gear icon to the right of a class.

  1. In the Edit Class fly in, scroll to the bottom to see the students enrolled in the class.

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