Gradebook Options

AE-Connect now offers the flexibility to view the gradebook either by week or by term. Schools have the autonomy to decide the preferred method of viewing for their teachers.

Schools now have the option to select either WEEK or TERM as the preferred gradebook view. This setting can be adjusted on the School Profile page.

To modify this setting, navigate to the School Profile, then proceed to Settings. Use the toggle provided to select the desired gradebook view. The school has the ability to choose one option, or both, depending on their preference.

One Gradebook Selected
Both Gradebook Selected

Gradebook by Week

The gradebook organized by week remains unchanged since the inception of AE-Connect. Each week is presented individually, allowing users to navigate between weeks using the provided arrow.

Gradebook by Term

Gradebook Version 2 is a new feature that enables schools to conveniently access the gradebook by term. It provides a comprehensive overview of all class assignments for the entire term.

NOTE: The Gradebook Version 2 DOES NOT automatically save. Once changes are made, the user will need to select the "SAVE" option in the modal that appears at the bottom.

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