Creating an Assignment

This article will provide an overview of the topic, explain how to add assignments, provide details on the Assignment flyin feature, and demonstrate how to efficiently grade an assignment when adding it to a single class.


Assignments can be created in multiple areas within AE-Connect. Assignments are created using the yellow + action menu located on the left side of AE-Connect.

In order to activate the Add Assignment flyout, please select the icon instead of the label.

Assignments can be added in various locations within AE-Connect:

  • Subject screen
  • Under the Subject sub-menu (Students, Gradebook, Assignments)

  • Classes screen

Assignment Creation

Please select the "Add Assignment" icon from any of the above areas to activate the "Add Assignment" fly-in.

Add Assignment has the following required fields:

  • Name of Assignment
  • Assigned Date
  • Choose a class or classes

Add Assignment has the following optional fields:

  • Description: Student will see description in their student portal.
  • Due Date will automatically default to the day after the assigned date.

%Teachers have the ability to add an assignment to one or more classes.

Saving the Assignment will add that assignment to the classes you have selected. The assignment can be found under the class gradebook or in the class assignment list.

Adding Assignment to Classes

When adding an assignment to classes, the Category and Input As fields will be displayed. The teacher has the option to select the appropriate category for the assignment and update the Input As value. This process is performed independently for each checked class.

Display on Student & Parent Portal

During the process of class creation, the teacher has the option to choose whether or not the assignment should be displayed on the student and parent portal. The assignment will be displayed on the portals when the toggle is set to blue. This can be easily done either during the assignment creation or under the assignment screens.

This assignment is being displayed on student and parent portal.

This assignment is not being displayed on student and parent portal.

Attachments & Allow Student to Turn in online

Teachers are permitted to attach documents to an assignment. These documents will be displayed in the student portals for students to view.

Teachers can enable students to submit an assignment through the student portal by selecting "Allow students to turn in assignment online".

Refer to this guide for further assistance on students turning in assignments online (coming soon)

Save & Open Assignment

When creating an assignment and adding it to a single class, you have the option to Save & Open. This feature allows you to immediately open the assignment for grading.

Upon choosing the "Save & Open" option, you will be directed straight to the assignment screen in order to commence grading the assignment.

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