Grading Methods

AE-Connect has been calculating Report Grades based on the average percentages of each assignment.

It has been requested to allow reported grades to be averaged solely based on the points of each assignment.

AE-Connect now offers two methods of grading assignments: averaging percentages or averaging points.

This will provide an explanation for each method of grading.


This is the methodology that AE-Connect has employed for calculating reported grades.

AE-Connect computes the average of each assignment's percentage. This averaging process applies to assignments graded by points, percentage, or letter grades. This approach enables teachers to evaluate assignments using multiple grading methods.

💥 AE-Connect is currently utilizing an averaging method to calculate report cards. No further action is required to proceed with this calculation approach.

Assignment (Grading Style) Total Student Recieved Percentage
Assignment 1 (Points) 10 8 80%
Assignment 2 (Percentage) 100% 70% 70%
Assignment 3 (Letter Grade) Letter grades has percentage attached to it based on grading scale A+ (100%) 100%
Reported Grade


The aforementioned example permits the evaluation of assignments within the same class using various methodologies. Each assignment score will be converted into a percentage, which will then be averaged to determine the final grade.


This is the new methodology that AE-Connect has implemented for calculating reported grades.

AE-Connect calculates the average of each assignment based on points in order to determine the reported grades. This approach is effective only when all assignments are graded using points.

💥 This method requires an action to be taken for each class that this should apply for.

Step 1: Scheduling > Class Schedules > Please click on the name of the schedule to which this is applied.

Step 2: Select the gear icon next to the class. This step must be performed for each individual class that wishes to utilize this method.

Step 3: Select the Use max points as weight calculation checkbox.

The checkbox is only accessible when assignments are evaluated exclusively based on points. If the class has assignments evaluated based on percentage or letter grade, the checkbox is not accessible.

You will observe that once the checkbox is selected, the Input as is grayed out and no longer available for modification. When the Use max points as weight calculation is checked, all assignments in the class must be evaluated based on points. The calculated grade for this class will be determined by the average points of all assignments.

Assignment Total Points Student Recieved
Assigment 1 10 8
Assignment 2 20 14
Assignment 3 10 10
Total Points 40 32
Reported Grade 40/40 = 100% 32/40 = 80%

The example above demonstrates that assignments are evaluated solely based on a points system. These points are then accumulated to determine the final grade for the report.

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