Record Substitutions

AE-Connect enables educational institutions to document substitutions to maintain a record of individuals present in the classroom when the teacher is absent.

There are two methods to record a substitution: Temporary Staff and t Staff.

Temporary Staff

Temporary staff are individuals who are not permanent employees, such as substitute teachers. Temporary staff have no access to AE-Connect. Temporary staff are added for record keeping only.

Temporary staff are added to AE-Connect in Staff using the yellow + action menu to Add Temporary Staff.

Use the three dots to select Record Substitutions. Complete the model and select SAVE to record the substitution.


AE-Connect enables educational institutions to record substitutions for permanent employees. Institutions can navigate to the "Staff" option in the main menu and then select "Staff" in the secondary menu.

To record substitutions for permanent employees, users can select the three dots next to the staff menu and complete the Record Substitution model.

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