PK Development Tracker & Report Card

AE-Connect now includes the NAD ECE PK Tracker. The PK tracker allows schools to track the progress of their Pre-Kindergarten students.

Pre-Kindergarten Progress Tracker - Progress tracker is used to communicate a child’s developmental learning progression on a quarterly basis.

Schools that have Pre-Kindergarten students in a classroom without 3-year-olds are permitted to utilize the Pre-K Tracker.

Schools who wish to use the PK Tracker need to contact the AE-Connect Support Team to gain access.

PK Tracker Entry

Schools use have the PK Tracker and teachers who have permission to use it will see a new tab at the top menu called PK Development Tracker.

The PK Development Tracker consists of Development Domains and Standards under each. Students who are at the PK grade level will be listed in the PK Tracker.

The PK tracker is graded as follows:

  • I - Independent
  • P - Progressing
  • N - Needs more time
  • N/A - Not applicable

You can refer to this if you wish to have more information regarding the domains and standards. PK Development Tracker Help.

Once teachers have completed entering skill grades for the quarter, the grades must be posted. Posting grades will include them in the Report Card, allowing teachers to print the PK Development Tracker Report Card.

Here is a video demonstrating the PK Development Tracker and its functionality.

PK Development Tracker Report Card

Teachers who have submitted the skill grades and published them will have the ability to access the Report Card in order to print the PK Tracker Report Card.

To proceed, navigate to the Report Card Tab, choose the specific quarter, finalize the report card publication, and proceed to download it for printing purposes.

Video of PK Development Report Card

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