Parent Notifications_School Setup


This guide will explain the Missing Assignment and Progress Report Notification for parents. The notifications can be controlled by the school and parents. The parents must have Parent Portal permissions in order to get notifications.

Missing Assignment Notifications

AE-Connect now provides parents with the ability to receive missing assignment notifications when a user has marked an assignment as missing using the / for missing assignments in AE-Connect.

Schools have the option to enable or disable this feature for parents, or parents can choose to enable or disable it for themselves in the parent portal. The notifications are student-specific, not parent-specific.

When an assignment is marked as missing there is a 4 hour delay before the parent is notified to give the teacher time to update the grade before a notification is sent.

Student Progress Report

AE-Connect now provides parents with the ability to receive student progress reports either Daily or Weekly.

Schools have the option to enable or disable this feature for parents, or parents can choose to enable or disable it for themselves in the parent portal. The notifications are student-specific, not parent-specific.

School Setup

The school staff should navigate to the Admissions or Students section and then select a student. Next, they should proceed to the Parent/Guardians section. In order for the Parent/Guardian to receive missing assignment & student progress notifications, they must have access to the Parent Portal. The school staff should click on the three dots to the right of a parent and select "Edit Parent/Guardian" to activate notifications for the parent. Notifications are activated near the bottom of the parent's account.

The school staff needs to toggle on the "Receive Notifications" option (make it blue). Next, staff can choose to receive Progress report and/or Assignment is Missing notifications. When the Progress report and/or Assignment is Missing options are selected, the school will be able to choose Daily or Weekly for Progress reports in the options below Notifications.

Parent Setup

This is a summary of the process for parents to manage their notifications within the parent portal. For detailed instructions, please refer to the Parent Portal Notification Guide to be provided to parents.

Parent/Guardians with access to the Parent Portal can enable Progress Report and Assignment Missing notifications in their profile settings. These notifications are tailored to each student, so if a parent has multiple students, they will need to choose the relevant student, update the profile information, and then repeat the process for each additional student.

The parent needs to toggle on the "Receive Notifications" option (make it blue). Next, parent can choose to receive Progress report and/or Assignment is Missing notifications. When the Progress report and/or Assignment is Missing options are selected, the school will be able to choose Daily or Weekly for Progress reports in the options below Notifications.

Video Tutorials

School Setup for Parent Notifications

Parent Control - Parent Notifications


How to turn on Parent Portal Access

Parent Control for Notification (for Parents)

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