
Canvas Setup

Canvas Permissions are controlled by the AE-Connect team. Those who need access to setting up Canvas should reach out to the AE-Connect team to get access for their school.

These are the components of the Canvas Setup.

  1. Canvas Domain URL: Canvas URL without any slashes, dashes or anything after the .com. This example it would be

  1. Canvas Sub Account SIS ID: Florida Conference > Sub-Account > will be the School's ORG ID.

  1. Canvas Root Account ID: Florida Conference : Root Account is the number in the URL. In this example it would be 1.

Client ID: . Select Conference and Developer keys. The Client ID is the visible number. You may need to create new developer keys for this integration.

  1. Client Secret: Select Conference and Developer keys. The Client select is under Show Key.

  1. Client Redirect URL: The redirect URL for AE-Connect Canvas is. http://connect.adventisteducation/canvas

Extra Information

When all the data is entered you will need to select Save & Connect. When connecting if you have a popup blocker you will need to manual access the popup blocker to authorize the connection.

Canvas Courses

AE-Connect provides schools with the ability to set up courses to export to Canvas. These courses are unique ONLY for canvas and use the classes that are available in AE-Connect.

The user will navigate to AE-Connect > School Profile > Canvas Integration and see the Canvas Course setup at the bottom. The use will then need to create all new canvas courses and attach classes to those courses.

  1. User will use the action menu to "Add Canvas Course

  1. User will name course, add SIS ID, then choose course from School Course list. The course list will then filter classes only for that course. The user will choose classes that belong to that course. Once classes are chosen select SAVE to save Canvas Course

Canvas Settings

School will need to add School Abbreviation that is used to Canvas.

  1. Full Batch Mode: When enabled this will delete anything from Canvas that is not included in the import. It will delete courses, sections (classes) and enrollments.
  2. Diffing Mode: When enabled Canvas will skip records that have not changed and only update records that have changed.
  3. Diffing Mode with Remaster: When enabled this will compare all imports both diffing and non-diffing to update Canvas records.

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