How to Unpublish Report Cards

Publishing report cards lock the ability of posting grades and skills. If a report card requires updates after publishing, you can unpublish the report card. Unpublishing a report card unlocks the term grade and social development grades and skills, allowing teachers to post any changes that are required.

To unpublish report cards:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Report Cards.

  1. Using the Select Term dropdown menu, choose the term you wish to publish reports in.

💥 IMPORTANT: Be sure to select the appropriate Term from the Select Term dropdown menu.

  1. Using the Student Grade Level dropdown menu, select the grade you wish to publish.

  1. Select a student and/or students by clicking the check box to the left of each students name.

💫Tip: If you wish to publish a students in a grade, simply check the box in the header that appears next to the Students column label.

  1. From the action menu, click on Unpublish Report Card.

Note: A green circle with a check mark appears in the students published column when the report card is successfully published.

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