Getting Started with AE-Connect for Administrators

Welcome to AE-Connect! We are excited you are part of this first year with us.

As you get start using AE-Connect for the first time we have provided a guide below to help you quickly get you school up and running.

The following instructions will guide you through creating a new school year, adding terms to your year, assigning school days, and creating day templates.

For a step-by-step guide to creating class schedules, visit Introduction to Class Schedules.

Getting started

Create a new school year

  1. Access the scheduling area by clicking Scheduling in the navigation bar.

  1. In the upper right of the screen, click the Select School Year dropdown menu, and click on Start New Year.

  1. Within the Add New School Year fly in, enter the Beginning Date and Ending Date for the new school year you would like to add.

  1. Click the Save and exit button. Your new year now appears in the Select School Year dropdown menu.

💥 Watch: Adding a new school year in AE-CONNECT

Add terms

  1. Access the scheduling area from the navigation bar. Click the Terms tab.

  1. From the action menu, click New Term.

  1. Within the New Term fly in, add a Name, Start Date, and End Date.

  1. Click the Save and exit button. Your new term will be added to the terms list.

💥 Watch: Adding a new term in AE-CONNECT

Assign School Days

  1. Access the scheduling area from the navigation bar. Click the Schools Days tab.

  1. For each day in your school year, select the appropriate day designation from the dropdown menu. Options include:

Staff Day



Non School Day

School Day

(Day Templates)

✨ TIP: Use the Bulk Edit Days feature to quickly assign day designations.

💥 Watch: Assigning school days in AE-CONNECT

Add Day Templates

Day templates allow you to organize individual days in your shool year. Each day template includes at least one track, which can also be described as a bell schedule. Tracks contain one or more periods.

For example, you may organize grades 3-5 in AM and PM periods. You would create a day template with a track named, Grades 3-5, and add two periods. The first period would be named Morning, with a start time of 08:15 AM and an end time of 12:00 PM. The second period would be named Afternoon, with a start time of 12:30 PM and an end time of 3:00 PM.

  1. Access the scheduling area from the navigation bar. Click the Day Templates tab.

  1. From the action menu, click New Day Template.

  1. Enter a Name and Abbreviation.

  1. Enter a Track Name for the first track and click the Add Period button.

  1. Enter the Period name, Start time, and End time. Repeat to add all periods required for the new track. 

OPTION: If your school maintains more than one schedule per day, add additional tracks by clicking the Add new track button. For example, kindergarten could be simple with one period called full day and Grades 3-8 could have multiple periods each day.

  1. Click Save and exit to add the Day Template to your school.

💥 Watch: Creating a new day template in AE-CONNECT

Congratulations! You have created a new school year, added terms to your year, assigned school days, and added day templates.

You are ready to create your first Class Schedule.

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