Post Class Grades

Access the Term and Subject

  1. From the navigation bar, click the Subjects.

  1. Using the Select Term dropdown menu, choose the term you wish to finalize and post class grades for.

  1. Click on a subject from the list.

  1. Click the Term Grade tab located under the subject name.

  1. Click the Class Grade tab (this should be selected by default)

IMPORTANT: Be sure to select the appropriate Term from the Select Term dropdown menu before you click on a subject.

Post Class Grades

To post class grades you may do one of the following:

Post all class grades for students displayed on the screen

  1. Select All from the class filter

  1. From the action menu, click Post term grades.

Note: A green circle with a check mark appears in the students grade cell when grades are successfully posted.

Post an individual student

  1. Click the grade cell to open the Students term grade summary.

  1. Click Post in the upper right of the fly in window.

Note: A green circle with a check mark appears in the student grade cell when grades are successfully posted.

💥 Important: you may make changes to grades, instructional level, and comments until report cards are published. Be sure to post the class grades again if any changes are made in order for them to be reflected in the final report card.

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