How to Preview Report Cards

AE-CONNECT allows you to preview individual report cards. The preview is available at any point in the review/publish/download process, and accurately reflects all of the data that has been posted.

✅ IMPORTANT: In order to preview report cards accurately, grades and skills must first be posted in the Term Grade area of each class in the term you are generating report cards for.

To preview a report card:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Report Cards.

  1. Using the Select Term dropdown menu, choose the term you wish to publish reports in.

💥 IMPORTANT: Be sure to select the appropriate Term from the Select Term dropdown menu.

  1. Using the Student Grade Level dropdown menu, select the grade you wish to publish.

  1. Click the preview icon that appears at the end of each students row.

  1. From the preview modal, click the forward and back arrows to vew other student report cards in the same grade level. To close the preview, click the Close button in the upper right of the preview modal.

💫Tip: Be sure to scroll down in the preview modal to view the second page of the report card.

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