Admission (Advanced): Student Admissions Dashboard

After a student is initiated into a process the student will have a Student Dashboard.

When a student is initially enrolled in a process, they will fall under the category of Admissions > Students > In Process. "In Process" denotes the stage at which students are included in a particular process.

Every student is accompanied by a progress bar, serving as a visual aid to indicate their current position within the process.

School personnel can access detailed information about a student by clicking on their name, providing a more comprehensive view within the Student Admissions Dashboard.

The Student Admissions Dashboard shows:

  • Student Name
  • Grade: School can change grade by simply selecting the grade and choosing a new one from the dropdown.
  • The Process asssigned
  • All forms in the Process and if they are completed by parent/guardian. If compelted they will have a blue checkmark.
  • Messages sent to the parent
  • + New Message where school can send messgae to parent.
  • The school can also print forms & Documents from here.
  • The school can also control the student status by selecting the drop down menu and changing status.

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