Reasons for Withdrawal

AE-Connect has provided schools with the ability to select a reason why a student has withdrawn from the school.

The school will mark the student as NO LONGER ENROLLED in the NAD Student ID Manager and sync AE-Connect to remove the student from the Enrolled list to the Unenrolled list. For more information on how to do this visit here.


The school has been pre-populated with options for withdrawal. However, the school can delete, inactive or create new options in the School Profile > Settings and navigate to the bottom of the page to see the Reason for Withdrawal.

Each Reason has a checkbox that the user can uncheck to hide the reason and a X to delete. (we encourage schools to inactivate instead of delete).

The user will also see + Add new reason for withdrawal to add a new option. Don't forget to hit the save button!

How to select a Reason for a student

When the student is unenrolled they will appear in the Unenrolled tab under Admissions. The student will have a drop down where the user can select their reason for withdrawal. Once selected it will automatically saved.

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