How to Download and Print Report Cards

AE-CONNECT includes a powerful PDF generation tool allowing you to create, download, and print report cards.

βœ… IMPORTANT: Only published report cards will be included in the PDF generation process. If you find report cards missing, check that you have Published the missing report cards. In order to publish report cards, grades and skills must first be posted in the Term Grade area of each class in term you are generating report cards for.

To create and download report cards:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Report Cards.

  1. Using the Select Term dropdown menu, choose the term you wish to publish reports in.

πŸ’₯ IMPORTANT: Be sure to select the appropriate Term from the Select Term dropdown menu.

  1. Using the Student Grade Level dropdown menu, select the grade you wish to publish.

  1. From the action menu, click Download Report Cards.

  1. The Download Report Cards fly in offers several options for downloading report cards. Select the option that accommodates your individual workflow. To download report cards, simply click the Download button for an option below (a selection may be required to enable the download button).


School PDF β€” Creates a single PDF file that contains all published report cards consecutively. This option is preferable if you wish to print all your report cards at one time.

School ZIP β€” Creates individual PDF files for each published report card and compresses them into a .zip file. This option is preferable if you wish to distribute report cards electronically.

Grade Level β€” Creates a single PDF file that contains all published report cards for the grade level selected in the dropdown menu. This option is preferable is you wish to print report cards by grade.

Student β€” Creates a single PDF files for the specific student chosen in the dropdown menu.

πŸ’«Tip: After downloading your report cards, use Adobe Acrobat to print to your local printer. Some browsers include a plugin that allows you to view and print directly from the browser.

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