Getting to Know Report Card Screen

The Report Card are consists of the Dashboard and Report Cards. Dashboard gives the user a summary of unposted grades, unposted skills and unposted Social Development/Work Ethic skills. Report Cards displays student grades, and skills for a specific quarter, allows you to preview report cards, and provides tools too publish and download.

To access the Report Card area, click the Report Cards link in the navigation bar.

NOTE: The Report Cards area is intended for school administrators. If you do not see the report cards link in the navigation bar and are responsible for finalizing and distributing report cards, contact your school administrator for access.



The Report Card Dashboard allows you to quickly determine if there are unposted grades or missing skills in the specific term you have chosen. Additionally, you can at-a-glass see how many report cards you have published out of the total that are represented in the term.

Report Cards

The report cards screen displays students and classes within a targeted term. Each student row contains:

  • Check Box — used to select student/students to publish or unpublish report card
  • Student Name — displayed last and first
  • Grade Level — students grade level
  • Classes — displays posted grade and icons noting status of data
  • Social Development/Work Ethic — displays icon noting status of data
  • Publish — Shown indicator when report card is published
  • Preview — icon link which activates the report card preview for the student

IMPORTANT: Be sure to select the appropriate Term from the Select Term dropdown menu before you click on a subject.


Review class or skill details (coming soon)

Preview a report card

Publish report cards

Unpublish report cards

Download and print report cards

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