Frequently Asked Questions
Why can't I see my attendance for today?
- Does your Schools Day Calendar have today listed as a school day?
- Do you have a Class Schedule created for the current quarter?
How can I change my school day to either school day or non-school day?
My student is not showing in the Assignment.
- Is the student enrolled in the class? Enroll Student in Class
- The student may need to be added to the assignment. Remove/Add Student From Assignment
Report Cards
- Overveiew Video
- STEP 1: Post Class Grades (Grades 1-12)
- STEP 2: Enter Skills (Grades K-8)
- STEP 3: Post Skills (Grades K-8)
- STEP 4: Social Development/Work Ethic (Grades K-8)
- STEP 5: Publish Report Cards
- STEP 6 :Download Report Cards